Move the pots and pans, it’s time to stir up an E-book!

It’s that time of the year again. When the distance between unattainable dreams and humbling realities is bridged by this wonderful thing called Blogchatter E book carnival. I hail from the port of traditional publishing but over the years, breaking bread and words with the wonderful blogging community, being a mentor for the second year for the carnival and taking part in several Blogchatter initiatives has convinced me of the invaluable opportunity a writing platform like this can prove to be.

Writers are self flagellation experts( I am no different!) Before the world can cast stones on our words, we rise to the task and censure and critique ourselves to a point that it would be easiest to abandon the task altogether. Then what better preparatory ground can there be to nurture, prune and prepare you for the big world out there? Not only does this festival help you promote your finished e- book, but it hand holds participants at every stage. Creating excitement, providing mentors to guide you, pushing you to write, helping with the cover reveal and even generating reviews within the community, most of the areas a traditional publisher would help with. How wonderful, right? I’ve had to manufacture the motivation all on my own! So I’m a tad bit jealous:-D

Talking about motivation, the word feels like an desultory, amorphous concept at the moment, given the fact that the world around us is no longer what it was a few months ago. From bhindis to brooms, the suffering on the streets to the suffering at home, zoom calls to marathon school sessions, from trying to keep your chin up to holding back from punching someone else’s, who has the time to write you ask? You do. Because writing won’t be a TASK if you let yourself enjoy the process.

I have published two books with Harper Collins and Black ink books ( I Didn’t Expect to be expecting and Kanpur Khoofiya Pvt Ltd) my third book is out in the second half of the year and my fourth book, part two in the KKPL franchise is under construction. But if you ask me which book process was most fluid and enjoyable, it would have to be my first book. I think the reason was because I just wrote, in not-so-conducive surroundings or frame of mind, but I wrote, for relief and release. It was also unencumbered with the fear and foreboding of finding a publisher. I wanted to write a book and I wrote it. Everything fell into place later. And as simply as that, you should register and write your first e-book. I won’t be presumptuous and tell you to convert your daily trails and frustrations onto paper. Perhaps choose something that takes you away from all of it, pick a topic you are knowledgeable about, take a clue from the tonality of your writing, pick from key USPs of your blog. I’m just throwing ideas here, but you’ll know when the right one comes along.

I hope to see you on the other side of the registration link I shall post below. All the details you seek shall be available on the Blogchatter website. It would be a pleasure to guide and pep you along on this wonderful journey. Now stop making excuses, tune out of Netflix and go write your book! I wish you all the best 🙂

Registration Link:





  1. May 3, 2020 - Reply

    Having a brilliant and experienced writer like you mentor someone through publishing an ebook will surely be a huge advantage. Lucky people! 😌

    • May 6, 2020 - Reply


      A heartfelt thanks for your generous praise Varsha. Hugs.:-)

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